Nokta Makro Invenio Pro

  • Visualizing in 3D
  • Distinctive Audio Signals
  • User-Friendly Design
  • Selective Detection
  • Versatility for All Users


Exploring the Nokta Makro Invenio Pro

“Nokta Makro,” a well-known brand, has created the “Invenio Pro,” a modern metal detector. This incredible device can locate hidden treasures and interesting objects beneath the ground.

Exceptional Features

  • Visualizing in 3D
  • Imagine having the power to see inside the earth like a superhero. The Invenio Pro offers an extraordinary feature – 3D visualization. When the detector detects something, it shows a 3D image. The image tells you what the object looks like inside and what it’s made of.
  • Distinctive Audio Signals
  • The Invenio Pro communicates using different audio signals – high, medium, and low beeps. These beeps act like its language, helping it determine the size and type of objects it discovers. The device can find small things like coins and valuable items such as jewelry. It can also detect larger artefacts left by people from the past.
  • User-Friendly Design
  • Selective Detection
  • The Invenio Pro makes finding valuable items easier by streamlining the process. Imagine if you had a filter that only showed things you like, making it easier to find interesting stuff.
  • Versatility for All Users
  • Adaptable Modes
  • Subtle Clues with Vibration Alerts
  • The Invenio Pro offers two distinct modes of operation. If you’re just starting out, it can work slowly and patiently, aiding your learning process. Experienced treasure hunters can use it faster, matching their expertise level.

Terrain Mastery

Different types of treasures are hidden in different types of terrain. The Invenio Pro can find hidden objects in rocky, soft, or wet ground. It’s like having a metal detective that’s an expert in all types of landscapes.

Secret Signals

There are times when you’d prefer the detection process to be discreet. The Invenio Pro knows this and gives hints with vibrations and also sounds you can hear. It’s like a silent code between you and your metal detector.

Efficient Data Management and Aquatic Exploration

Saving Discoveries

The Invenio Pro doesn’t forget what it finds. It retains all the information, including images and details. You can save these fun findings inside it. Then you can move them to your computer and share them with friends.

Underwater Adventures

If you’ve ever dreamt of exploring underwater like a marine detective, the Invenio Pro can bring that dream to life. Its waterproof coils allow it to submerge underwater and uncover treasures hidden beneath the waves. Time is valuable, and the Invenio Pro respects that. It’s incredibly fast at finding things, which means you can unearth more treasures in less time.

Tips for Success

To make the most of your treasure hunt, begin in familiar places like parks or beaches. Take your time, and remember that patience is key to uncovering hidden treasures. Each item discovered with the Invenio Pro has a story to tell. These treasures offer insights into the past, offering you a unique view of history.

Ready to Embark on Your Journey?

The “Invenio Pro” is more than just a metal detector; it’s a companion that guides you through an adventure filled with history and hidden wonders. If you’re new or experienced in treasure hunting, the Invenio Pro helps you find artefacts.


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